Home Trial terms & conditions
Home Trial terms & conditions
We offer a free home trial of any of our loudspeakers. We like to do this so that you can try our speakers in your system and room in order to fully evaluate their suitability.
We will deliver to your home address (within mainland UK), either personally or by courier, a production set of speakers in full retail packaging. You will need to ensure you are at your home address on the day of delivery, as acknowledgement of receipt will be recorded.
You are able to use the speakers for a period of 14 days after which we will either collect or have them collected, as pre-arranged prior to delivery.
The speakers we send will be demo pairs so may well suffer from some cosmetic damage. We will
record this by photograph before sending them to you. However, it is your responsibility to ensure
that the speakers are kept in good working and cosmetic condition for the duration of the trial.
The speakers must be used in accordance with the instructions provided. If any damage occurs whilst the speakers are in your possession, you will be liable for repair or replacement at our discretion.
By agreeing to a free home trial, you will be agreeing to the above terms and conditions.